

Elevate your special day with enchanting floral designs and bespoke bouquets for a touch of natural elegance.

Experience the artistry of Petalo, renowned as one of Melbourne's premier florists. Specialising in crafting exquisite bridal bouquets, enchanting wedding decorations, and captivating table centerpieces, we bring a touch of floral elegance to every moment.


Wedding Bouquets

Discover the perfect bloom for your special day with our Wedding Bouquets collection, each one crafted to bring a touch of magic to your wedding.

Venue Decorations

Transform your wedding venue into a dreamlike setting with our enchanting Wedding Venue Decor collection, featuring flower arches that add a touch of romance and sophistication.

Table Decorations

Dazzle your guests with Petalo's Wedding Table Decorations, where every detail is carefully curated to bring sophistication and beauty to your reception.

Hear from our Clients!

Best wedding florist!

Petalo exceeded our expectations in every way! From the breathtaking bridal bouquet to the enchanting venue decor, they brought our vision to life. Their attention to detail and commitment to excellence made our wedding day truly magical. We are forever grateful for the exceptional service and stunning floral arrangements.

Emily and James

I was ever so impressed!

My wife bought a genuine watch from The Watch Factory Australia, which impressed us with its reasonable pricing and quality. When she requested a return due to a change of preference, their customer service team was responsive, and efficient, and issued a full refund promptly.

Saptha K

Amazing products and service!

Throughout the process of purchasing a watch, I came across zero issues! The speed of postage was great, as too was the communication and quality of the product. The watch I purchased was on sale- down by $58, which was even better.

Sebastian S

Enquire now!

Get in Touch with Our Melbourne Wedding Designers! Complete our enquiry form below, and one of our expert designers will reach out to discuss your wedding details and any further consultations if needed.